Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book review #8 Delirium by Lauren Oliver (Spoiler free)

Hello bookaholics!
It's been a while since I made a review for a book. I'm a lazy person. That's my excuse.
I finished reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver last night and I loved it so much. The ending got me like ASDDFKFDHFGHFJGFDGH

Okay, so, Delirium is a dystopian book (book one in a trilogy) about a society where love is a disease. At the age of 18 people get "cured" and they are "paired", aka get married to someone the government chooses for them, and live the rest of their life in peace, without the troubles that the "disease" causes like depression and suicide. If people get infected before attending their 18, they get cured as soon as possible (though it's not 100% safe), or they can get killed if they resist so much.

The story is told from the main character's point of view, Lena, and follows her as falls in love with Alex and things happen.

That's all I can say without spoiling anything.

The first thing you notice about this book is the style of writing. I have written down a lot of quotes from the book. Also, the characters are interesting, gripping and they fill you with the curiosity to get to know the, even the side characters.
The main character development is amazing. You get to see her overcoming her fears, gathering up the courage and try to find what really means to exist, to live, to love.
Then thing I didn't like about the book is the beginning. There was a lot of world building. I know that's the way things are supposed to be with dystopian novels but the story was so slow at first. However, after about 70 pages, it gets more interesting and the plot gets exciting.
The last forty pages of the book were amazing. There was action, there was planning, there were surprises and I didn't see that end coming. I loved it so much I almost cried.

Over all, this book was a four stars book for me. I can't wait to read the sequel, Pandemonium, which I probably am reading while you're reading this.

What about you guys? Have you read this book? Are you planning to read it? what were your thoughts about it? And what should I read next? Tell me in the comments.

Delirium series is available in Al Kitab libraries.


  1. A dystopian novel where love is a disease? OMG that's a must read!

    1. It is! And the second book is even better than the first one!
