Monday, February 4, 2019

My Week with Minimal Plastic Use

Hi there!

A few days back, I decided that I will try to reduce my plastic consumption. I am trying to spend this week without buying products that are wrapped in plastic and without using a plastic trash bag. I'm trying this challenge from monday the 4th of February to Sunday the 10th of the same month. I announced this challenge last Sunday on my Instagram profile. I uploaded a number of stories in which I explained the reason why we need to reduce our plastic use and shared some tips on how to do that.

I was amazed by the amount of support I received and the number of people who said that they want to take part in this. I am uploading stories on my Instagram to document this experience, but I also want to share a written record here. For the next seven days, I'll be editing this post and writing down the challenges I face and the accomplishments I make in this week of minimal plastic consumption. I hope you'll enjoy the journey along with me.


I woke up slightly late today so I couldn't have my morning coffee at home. I bought coffee from a coffee shop and it was served in a carton cup. I'll prepare my own coffee at home tomorrow and use a mug. I had a stomach ache all morning so I didn't have anything else for breakfast and I didn't have lunch either. I did buy bread though, but I did not ask for a bag.

I didn't leave the house for the rest of the day. The problem is, however, that I have a LOT of plastic-packaged products in the house. I was feeling hungry in the afternoon so I prepared some tea. I couldn't use tea bags because they are wrapped in plastic, so I opted for tea leaves that I keep in a jar. I also had a banana and an orange.

Because I do not want to use a plastic bag for the trash, I kept the peals and the tea leaves in a reusable plastic jar. I'm going to bury them in the garden in Uni tomorrow.