Sunday, July 3, 2016

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson | Book review

Before getting started on the review for this book, I think that it should be worth mentioning that I haven't finished any book since last December. I got busy with school and painting and caught up with friends and family... I was just too distracted to finish a book. I kept picking them up, Harry Potter, the Matched series, and plenty of other amazing books that I ended up putting down after reading less than a hundred pages. This book, although it took me two weeks and a half to finish, finally broke the curse. I'm not sure if that is because school is over and my life is finally emptier than it used to be, or because it was simply so good, but I ended up enjoying every page of Amy and Roger's epic detour by Morgan Matson.

Amy & Roger's epic detour is about a highschool graduate, Amy, who has recently been in a car accident that cost her father his life, and her family its happiness. Amy's mom decides to start a new life in Connecticut and asks Amy to drive there from California. Amy, torn between a deep feeling of guilt and a new fear of driving, finds herself with no other choice but let Roger, a friend of the family, drive her there. As they trip starts, they realize that the plan Amy's mom put for the trip is boring, so they try to take a little detour.

The first thing that struck me is the artwork of the book. To start with, the cover is BEAUTIFUL. The spine is a bit boring but it's still pretty, and the inside of the book is a whole other world. The book starts with amy's final report card and as she tells the story and refers to some documents you find them printed for you to view: maps, receipts, notes... which makes it easier to get into the story and adds a lot of credibility. What I also adored about this book is how Matson included pictures of the places that Amy and Roger visited in the book and how, in fact, the author went on that road trip herself and those pictures are the pictures that she took while traveling accross the United States. But what I had the most fun over is the playlists. While Amy and Roger were on their trip, they both made playlists to listen to while driving and guess what? THEY ARE INCLUDED IN THE BOOK! And the music is SO GOOD. To tell you the truth, I didn't listen to all the songs in the book but I did listen to a lot of them and my favorite so far is Adrift by Jack Johnson (which by the way I'm listening to while I'm writing this).
All of that shows how much work and effort Morgan Matson put while writing this book which made me like it more and more.

I don't want to give away so much of the book so I'm going to go through what I liked most about it and what I disliked. 

This book was such a light, intertaining read. It made me want to read more from Morgan Matson (which I probably will) and I'm seriously craving a road trip now thanks to it.

I'm planning on filming a review about this book where I can talk more about it and show you a few more details but my camera is broken, so until I find a way videos, I'm going to post here.

I hope you're having a wonderful evening/day (depending to when you're reading this) and I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about Amy and Roger's Epic Detour in the comments bellow. Thanks for sticking around to the end of the review; I'll see you guys.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Starting Over

Hi there!

I'm Sarah. I created this blog about two and a half years ago. It attracted what feels to me like a lot of readers, which made me really happy. When I started writing this blog, I wrote about things that happened in my everyday life, in school, I made DIYs and shared (failed) recipes... I made this blog my little diary.

About a year ago I stopped writing. I don't remember if it was lack of inspiration or if I was busy with school or both, but I stopped and around the same time I started making booktube videos. I'm not going to say that youtube replaced my blog, but it kind of did.

But the thing is, I miss writing. I miss sharing my thoughts whether it's about books or movies or stupid normal things that I find interesting. But most of all, I miss having the time do it.

For those of you who never watched my videos and have never read my blog before, hi. My name is Sarah Laajimi. I'm from tunisia. I'm 18 years old. I am a booktuber, art lover, painter, and I have a thing for food and photography.

Over the last two years and a half I wrote about eighty posts here, but I chose to delete them all and just keep the ones that are related to books. The reason I did that is because, looking back at my old posts, I found out that I am this whole different person. I don't want my readers to read about the old me. I want them to read about the girl who is writing this post now. I wanted to delete the book related posts as well and start from scratch but I thought some readers might find them interesting and useful so I kept them.

I'm going to try to write regulary. Whenever a blog post is up I'm going to share it on my facebook page so you can stay updated. I'm going to write about books mostly, but also about what I'm up to daily, share if something important happens in my life and maybe make DIYs because, in all modesty, I rock at them.

I hope you found this interesting, and I hope whether you're here because you know me from youtube or instagram or if you are an old reader of my blog (thanks for the loyalty), I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts. I know I'll be enjoying wrinting them.
