Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Book Review #4 Attachements By Rainbow Rowell

I LOVED this book.
It's kind of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail. But a lot better 
It's about this guy, Lincoln, who is recovering from a breakup (that happened nine years ago) and who moves back with his mom. He applied for a job at newspaper thinking he'd work on computers security. Only he though he'd be building firewalls and protecting the computers from hacks, but he was assigned to supervise e-mails to make sure that the employees didn't send personal e-mails during work hours.

He noticed these e-mails that Beth (who is a movie reviewer) and Jennifer (who also works in the building) were exchanging and which broke every rule that was set. His job was to warn them, but he didn't. He became hooked to their e-mails and he fell in love with Beth.
This book has one word to describe: CUTE. I was smiling every minute when I was reading it. It s so adorable and so fun to read. Rainbow Rowell (who is the author of Eleanor and Park which I loved) is now my favorite contemporary books author. I look forward to reading more of her books.
The thing I loved the best about this book is the writing style. The author would tell us about Lincoln daily life and then the e-mails that Beth and Jennifer exchanged. And they feel so real. The conversations these two women have are so relatable to, you'd think you're reading e-mails you'd send to your best friend.
Also, the events are between the years 1999 and 2000. I loved that the story was through e-mails, not facebook masseges or whatever. 
And Beth loves movies, I love movies, that girl would be my bestfriend if she were real.
The thing I disliked the most (more like the only thing I didn't like) was the ending. I didn't expect it that way. I don't want to spoil the book for you, but I just think that the last five or four chapters weren't as good as I expected them to be, though I loved the last chapter and the last line. I loved the metaphor she- the author- used in the last line.
Having said that, I'd give the book four and a half stars. (but you can't do that on goodreads so I gave it five stars because four wasn't enough). I did really enjoy it. It's something you might want to read if you want to smile and realize how forever-alone you are. Unless you're married or you have a boyfriend or a girfriend. But still.

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