Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Back to school tips

Hello there!

So it is the time of the year again where students go back to school (yup, you can't escape that or pretend it isn't happening anymore). I though I would give you some back-to-school advice. Well, more like things I learned from personal experience because I'm not the best person to give advices but hey, you're reading my blog so you probably want to read what I have to say about this.

How to get yourself to wake up early in the morning

I actually struggle a lot of this. I am the type of person that sets up a million alarm and press them all to snooze then wake up panicked I'm too late (which most of the times, I am).
I think the best way to get yourself to wake up in the morning is to put your alarm clock or your phone or whatever is going to wake you up in the morning somewhere far from you. Not so far that you can't hear it (obviously) but on your desk or by the door- somewhere you have to get up, leave your bed and walk to get to. That will spare you the effort of set a thousand alarms.

How can you feel fresh and ready to face the day in the morning

Also, make sure you wash your face and brush your teeth and all that stuff. That will definitely wake you up. If you wake up like super early, take a shower. But I wouldn't recommend that because you'll probably wake up your entire family.
Have a healthy breakfast (I will have a blog post on that soon). Personally, I'm not the type of person who has breakfast before going to school. It isn't that I don't have the time or that I'm too lazy to prepare something to eat, but I wake up- this is going to sound weird- nervous in the morning. I have a phobia that I'll be late no matter how early I get up and whenever I try to get myself to eat something I'll feel funny and I'll spend four hours trying to keep everything down and not throw up. So, yeah. I don't have breakfast during school days (or any day where I have to get out of the house in the morning, really). Instead I eat a sweet (not healthy, I know, but it's better than nothing) and occasionally I buy a coffee on my way to school.
And, most importantly, SLEEP EARLY. Seriously. I know how tempting Internet is. Just go to bed early. Don't think about it, just do it.
Oh, and I forgot to mention: prepare your outfits and your school bag at night, don't do it in the morning. It will take you a lot of time and you're most likely to forget things. DO IT AT NIGHT. You have been warned. 

What are my school essentials? 

A bag, obviously. Lots of girls at my school go for the handbag. I prefer to have a back bag for my style is more sporty but also because I've never found a handbag that suits me. Never! It drives me insane.
Anyway, in my back bag I have my books and notebooks, a small notebook in which I write the small things I don't want to forget (like homework), my pen bag (which normally has four pens: blue, black, green and red; a pencil; an eraser; a ruler; scissors; tape and glue), a bottle of water (I'm thirsty 24/7), tissues, a hand sanitiser (you never know when you need one of those) and my eyeliner. My eyeliner is the only make up I wear and because I have really watery eyes, especially during winter, I need to apply my eyeliner constantly. If you wear more make up you can keep it all in a make up bag. I forgot to mention a lip balm. You do need to keep one with you all time.
Also, I always keep sweets in my bag. As I said before, I don't have breakfast in the morning, so it's always useful to have a sweet whenever I feel like I need it.
Oh, and hairbands. You always need hairbands and bobby pins. If you're a hijabbi, definitely throw some hijab pins in your bag.

What are some quick and easy hairstyles and hijabstyles can you do for school

For the hairstyles, I would go, if I weren't a hijabi, for messy buns and braids. I adore messy buns and I think they are great for school (you don't want your hair falling all over your notebook and blurring your sight, do you? But seriously, if you're one of those people who can spend a whole day with their hair down, how can you do it?). A braid is also chic and practical. Go for different type of braids: simple braid, fishtail braid... (you can find many tutorials on YouTube) A high ponytail is quick, easy and pretty too.. you have lots of options.

For hijabstyles, I tend to leave it as simple as possible. The school day is long and I move a lot... I want my hijab to stay put on as long as possible. I usually put my scarf on my head with one side longer than the other, pin under my chin, throw the long side of the scarf on my head, pin it and it's done. I wear my Maxi scarves and my peshmina scarves that way, and I advice you to stick to these two kind of scarves. Both peshmina and Maxi scarves stay longer and better on the head without becoming a mahogany of fabric. Avoid silk for school. Please, just don't wear it. You'll regret it. You have been warned. 

I think that's it. Do you have more questions? Leave them in the comments bellow.

Oh, did I mention that in three days, my blog is turning one year old? (yay!) I have a giveaway coming soon. Stay tuned for that! 
