Saturday, April 11, 2015

December 2014- April 2015 Book Haul (Book Haul #3)

Hello bookaholics! 

My last book haul was in December, and since then I bought a fair number of books. Most of them are from "souk" and some of them are from Al Kitab. If you're interested in knowing were I buy my books from, I wrote a post about it a few months back. Click HERE to read it.  

I'll leave the details about each of the books and where I got them from at the end of the post.

1- A Royal Match by Tyne O'Connell

2- Tape by Steven Camden

I started reading this book about a month ago and I couldn't get through thirty pages without putting it down too many times. Eventually I stopped reading it. It didn't captivate me but I'll give it the benefit of doubt. I'm not reading it anytime soon but I will pick it up again and give it another shot. I'll let you guys what I think about it in a review.

3-  Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

I LOVED this book. I read it in three days and I'm currently lending to a friend. A review coming up soon! 

4- Paper Towns by John Green 

My best friends gave me this one on my birthday. I'm currently reading it and I'm halfway through it. I wanted to read the book before the movie come out. Click HERE to watch the trailer.

5- The Giver by Lois Lowry 

I read this in the read-a-thon (reading marathon I organized with my friends in the summer. Check my review HERE.

6- The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella 

I know I said this a lot in this post but I read this book, loved it, and I have a review coming up soon.

7- Confessions Of A Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

8- Shopaholic Ties The Knot by Sophie Kinsella 

9- The Hours by Michel Cunningham

10- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer 

First book I've read (in English). Oh, the memories :') ..

11- Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer 

12- The House Of Hades by Rick Riordan

13- Too Close For Comfort by Clare Dowling

14- The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares

And here they are (missing 13 reasons why). Aren't they pretty?
Keep updated about the books I read by following me on instargram HERE.
By the way, what do you think about a bookshelf tour? Let me know in the comments along with your blogs, the books you've been reading and which book I should be reading next.


A royal match: 14.8 dinars (Palmarium Library)
Tape: 21 dinars (Al Kitab) 
Thirteen reasons why: 21 dinars (Al Kitab)
Paper Towns: Gift (you'll probably find it in Al Kitab)
The rest of the books: Souk


  1. Rich book haul !
    The sisterhood book! I loved it, really cute, love and friendship and family, i've read the second book tho, in french , but i believe the first is also great. I'm gonna steal you the house of hades someday bc i'm reading rick riordan's series for now, beware :P

    1. Haha! I loved the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series! I hope you're enjoying :D
