I just finished reading "Eleanor and Park" by Rainbow Rowell. It's beautiful and sad. It's unexpected. It's perfect. It's everything a book should be.
Eleanor is a sixteen year old girl who lives with her three brothers and one sister, her mom and her stepdad. Her life is a living nightmare. Her stepfather is the devil. He is a sinister. If he were a real man I would've killed him, and I'm not just saying it.
Eleanor is different. She is a redhead. She is fat. She is awkward and she never wears the right clothes (because of her stepmonster who wouldn't spend a dime on her). She can't fit in school. No one speaks to her unless to make fun of her. No one would let her sit next to them on the school bus. Except for Park.
I love the way they fell for each other. They didn't speak at first. The only reason he told her to sit next to him is because he couldn't stand other kids making more fun of her than they already have. He didn't even speak to her at first. He put his headphones on and read his comics. She read them with him. After a while, he waited for her to finish reading to turn the page. Then, he started giving her his comics to read them. Then they spoke. Then they couldn't stay apart.
I loved the way Rainbow Rowell told the story. The events, the turn of events, the cute moments... I loved every page.
However, I knew that something that beautiful wouldn't last. I couldn't enjoy the story as much as I could've because I kept waiting for something bad to happen. And it did.
Reading this book, I was thinking how real the story felt to me. Although I don't have a stepdad and I have enough food (unlike Eleanor in the book, she never had enough of anything), the story is so relatable to. I was sad thinking that a girl my age would go through what Eleanor went through. Even though it's a fiction, similar stories happen in real life almost in every neighborhood. Reading this book, I realized how grateful should I be for everything I have. Everything.
The book is amazing. The writing style is amazing and the ending is perfect. The ending is the best part of the book.
Five out of Five stars. I loved every word. This book is a must-read.
I'm going to shut up now and cry in silence until I fall sleep.
P.s. Feel free to add me on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/15782368-sarah-laajimi
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