Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Book Review #2 We Were Liars By E. Lockhart (no spoilers)

One word to describe this book: CONFUSING.

I knew about this book from booktubers. They all insisted that you better know nothing about what this book is about, so I thought yeah, I can do this. Let's do this.
I started reading without having a clue what the book is about, what is its genre, I know nothing. ABSOLUTLY nothing.

I won't tell you anything about it either.

I think that this book is art. When people look at art, they understand it differently. You either like it or dislike it, or you don't get it at all. I didn't get it at all until I watched a booktuber talk about it

I don't think  it's a book you read for having fun, like really having fun. It's not the book where something cute or funny happens.. It's more like a book that makes you think. I kind of love that about it. It also has a lot of meanings within its pages and I adore the way the writer wrote the story even though I don't love the story itself. I mean, I was reading somewhere around the last fifty pages and was crying. The next chapter, I was like: what the hell just happened?

It's unexpected. It is seriously confusing. Not only the story is confusing, but the techniques the author used can be a bit confusing as well. Read this (don't worry, I won't spoil the book for you, this is in the first few pages)

"My father put a last suitcase into the backseat of the the Mercedes (he was leaving Mummy with only the Saab), and started the engine.
Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my heart rolled out of my rib cage and down into a flower bed. Blood gushed rhythmically from my open wound,
then from my eyes,
my ears,
my mouth.
It tasted like salt and failure. The bright red shame of being unloved soaked the grass in front of our house, the bricks of the path, the steps to the porch. My heart spasmed among the peonies like a trout.
Mummy snapped. She said to get hold of myself.
Be normal, now, she said. Right now, she said.
Because you are. Because you can be.
Don’t cause a scene, she told me. Breathe and sit up.
I did what she asked"

My eyes literally almost fell from my face when I read this. Only after a while I realized that it was a metaphore.

I love the writing style, I love the telling of the story, but it's just confusing. I know I said it a million times but that is what it is for me. It's just not something that I would read again.

Three out of five stars.

Check out my last book review HERE

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